Now a CaringBridge Author, Too, My Gratitude is Immense

Dad and I on a trip to Alaska a few years ago.

The essence of CaringBridge has been coming into even sharper focus for me since this past June, when I started a site on behalf of my Dad. And my gratitude for community is immense.

At the end of May, after experiencing back pain and other pain, Dad was admitted to a hospital in the Phillippines, where he has lived part time in the 20 years since Mom died. My sisters, brother and I knew Dad’s health had been slipping. But we weren’t expecting a diagnosis of late-stage, metastatic cancer. You might know this feeling. It’s crushing.

Of Course I Turned to CaringBridge

At first, we added stress to our shock by trying to communicate with each other, and Dad, across multiple time zones using text, email and cell phones. It was simply too hard. So, of course, I turned to CaringBridge. (If ever anyone was positioned to suggest CaringBridge, it had to be me, right?)

From the moment I clicked “Start a Site,” your own experiences with CaringBridge became mine. For example, I knew a major benefit of using CaringBridge was being able to share information once vs. reaching out to everyone individually. But now I really appreciate how much that matters when you are juggling so much, in a personal way.

Now on Receiving End of Support

I also understood that comments and amps-of-the-heart on Journal posts are a core feature of CaringBridge. And now that I am on the receiving end of those words and gestures of support, I feel their power from a different, and stronger, perspective.

As my family continues to feel the love and support coming through CaringBridge, my gratitude for CaringBridge as a place of help, hope and healing has grown ten-fold.

And I believe, more strongly than ever–if that is even possible!–that no one should go through a health journey alone.

Liwanag Ojala is CEO of CaringBridge.

New to CaringBridge and Wondering What We Do?

CaringBridge is a nonprofit social network dedicated to helping family and friends communicate with and support loved ones during a health crisis through the use of free, personal websites. Know someone who could benefit from starting a CaringBridge site to keep loved ones informed and get the love, and support they need?

Learn more

  • Shanyn Zink

    Ok, I’m convinced. I’m so sorry about your Dad. My husband just had exact same experience…just diagnosed last week. We have a 10 year old son too, which adds another heartache & dimension & groups of people to communicate with. I am SO grateful that Caringbridge is here…I am getting ready to start Caring Bridge tonight or tomorrow.
    Thank you for all you do!! And again, I am so sorry about your Dad.

  • MaLou Stokes

    We’ve been in Houston at MD Anderson where John has received radiation & chemo since the end of March. Found out today the treatments haven’t worked well & he will have more chemo treatments along with a new drug so we will be here another month.?So disappointed we can’t go home yet!

  • Paige E Balling

    Thank you for your nice Thank You card to me. However, I was not able to find the video you referred to me. I used Caring Bridge 6 years ago to follow the condition of a good friend. I really enjoyed giving faith and hope for improvement and learning that he was doing well. I made sure to make a donation of some kind each time I entered CB. Thank you ALL for all you do to make this challenging time easier for everyone…………

  • Angela

    I was introduced to cb about 7yrs ago. It was a great help to me for letting my co-workers, friends, and family members hear from me on how I was doing. So that I could let them know what my progress was and how I was feeling. I loved it.

  • MJ Judeh

    Thanks for all the good things you do, Caring Bridge!! Helped me to stay informed about my best friend progress .

  • Wanda Siller

    Caring Bridge has helped out a friend who otherwise would have been very isolated. Thank you, Caring Bridge.

  • Carole L. Robertson

    Ken Bradbury, Praying for you.

  • Roxann Taylor

    I was diagnosed with a benign brain tumor in July. Being in a small community, there are many supporters but impossible to update each and every one individually. This site not only gets the word out but is therapeutic to me as I read the words of encouragement from family and friends. Make a donation today to this wonderful site!!

  • Anne B.

    Caring Bridge was a great help to me, my family and friends when I had open-heart surgery in February. Thank you so much, Caring Bridge. I am doing quite well now.

  • Angie B

    In 2012, we used Caring Bridge to update everyone on my mom’s surgery and rehab process. Loved the site so much, and Mom enjoyed reading all the encouraging notes people posted. The following year, I was able to present her with a book journaling her Caring Bridge webpage: the updates my family posted, the photos we shared, and all the responses she received. It meant so much to her over the next few years before we lost her in early 2017. Keep up the great work, and remember to order your own book full of CB memories from your journey!

  • Joyce Ray

    Thanks for all the good things you do, Caring Bridge!!

  • Lynette Hall

    Family blessings, healings, and miraculous miracles on our health journey. Spirituality is a valuable component to implement while, focusings on reaching your health goals!

  • violet

    great that you became that strong through the site, i can’t wait to develop mine as my uncle’s condition is becoming critical every day and it keeps me worrying a lot.